B.A.R.L.U.I.G.I Project
The revival of the suburbs. The “sacred” space of art meets the “profane” space of commerce. (“Ada and B.A.R.L.U.I.G.I” read Statement)
B.A.R.L.U.I.G.I Project
The revival of the suburbs. The “sacred” space of art meets the “profane” space of commerce. (“Ada and B.A.R.L.U.I.G.I” read Statement)
My Red Phlegethon Will get You All, 2010 – 2012.
Acrilico su carta / acrilyc on paper, 150 x 150 cm
I began working on this painting in 2010, then I gave it up and started working only in black for about 2 years.